Affiliate Area

How Does the Affiliate Program Work?

The Affiliate Program works by you (the publisher) placing links to High Roller USA (the advertiser) on your website, blog, emails, etc. High Roller USA will provide a variety of links for you to place on your website, including banners, text links, QR Codes, and content links.

The links enable tracking of online purchases. When a visitor to your site clicks on one of the links, they are directed to the High Roller USA site and a cookie is placed on their browser for 14 days. Any time the visitor makes a purchase from High Roller USA during those next 14 days, the purchase is tracked and you’ll receive a commission on the sale (currently 4%).

Payments are made at set intervals throughout the year, provided your total commissions exceed the minimum payout amount. Payments will be made to your PayPal account.

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